Kid’s Church on Sundays

Children’s Program

The children’s program runs every Sunday at 10am.
Our teaching program continues during the school holidays.
Leaders mostly teach in 12 week blocks to allow them to get to know the children. (Starting in February, late-April, Mid-July, October.)
For 4 weeks in January we have “Summer Sessions” where the children participate in cooking, crafts, experiments and board games. This recognises the itinerant nature of the New Year period and allows the children to form friendships in a more relaxed setting. It gives the regular volunteers a break as Helen runs the program with our “relief” team.

Our configuration of groups is:
Creche: Baby to 3 years with their parent
Kid’s Church Jnr: Preschool (age 4) to Year 2
Kid’s Church: Year 3 to Year 6 (year 7 welcome to join in)

Registration and Sign-In

To register your child for our children’s program, please go to Registration Form
Upon arrival at church, children sign-in with their parent. Everyone starts in the 10am service for 2 songs and a short “All Ages” talk. Following the talk, leaders take the children to age-specific programs in the church halls.
The children’s program finishes at the conclusion of the 10am service, before morning tea.

Kid’s Church – Kindergarten to Year 6

In Kid’s Church we listen to God’s Word, the bible. The children participate in games, songs, craft and prayer as we discover God’s great rescue plan in Jesus.

Teens – Year 7 and up

We don’t currently have enough leaders to run a year 7 and 8 bible study at 10am. We welcome them to join the 10am service. Bible Talk sheets are available in the church foyer to help them follow the “sermon”.
Years 9 to 12 attend the 10am service. They are encouraged to use their gifts to serve in similar ways to the adults.
We invite our teenagers to attend Neon youth group on Friday night in term time (run with Avalon and MonaVale churches).

Link to Home

A letter is emailed to “Kid’s Church” parents each week. It summarises what we did and encourages parents to teach their children about God at home. If you don’t receive this and would like to, please speak to Helen.

No photos

We have a strict no photo or video policy in our Sunday children’s programs. Please respect the safety of all participants by adhering to this without exception.
Where photos are needed for ministry purposes, written permission is obtained by staff from parents.

Creche – Baby to 3 years

The creche is for babies to 3-year-olds and their parent.
We encourage parents to use the program that is provided for them. This consists of a picture book (a bible story), a simple prayer and an easy craft activity related to the story.

Why must I stay with my child in creche?
We adhere to the suggested supervision ratios of the Office of the Director of Safe Ministry, Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney. We are also required to have a minimum of 2 trained leaders per group.
We don’t currently have enough leaders to run all the programs we’d like. Therefore, parents are responsible for their little ones.

Sermon for Creche Families

The sermon is recorded and made available online following the service.
Parents are also welcome to remain in the 10am service with their little one. At the back of the church is a small seating area with toys. The service can be viewed through the glass and is broadcast via a speaker.

Changing Facilities

The accessible toilet has a change table.
There is a change mat in the Allpress Hall where creche meets.
Nappy bags are available in the creche.
Please place nappies in a nappy bag before placing in the red council bin, outside the kitchen.
The second female toilet has a toddler seat fixed above the regular seat. Parents, simply pull the toddler seat down to release the magnetic hold. Please lift it back up after use.

Anxious Children

If your child is feeling anxious about attending Kid’s Church without you, we welcome you to join us for the program. We ask you to please respect the teaching time and refrain from chatting to other parents. (Parents who are in Kid’s Church are there for their child). You are welcome to return to the 10am service if your child is comfortable with you leaving. (We will come and get a parent if their child is distressed.)

We can arrange for you and your child to visit the church buildings beforehand if this is helpful. Alternatively, we can send you photos of the rooms.
We can provide you with a “run sheet” for the morning so your child knows what to expect.
Please speak to Helen about what we can do to best support your child.

Neurodivergent Children

We celebrate the diversity of amazing brains that God made, neurodivergent ones included. We want children to feel welcome and safe at Kid’s Church.
If your child needs to wear headphones or sunglasses to help with sound or light, we are all for it. If they need to stim, nobody will discourage that.
If there are activities your child needs to avoid, that is absolutely fine. If there are activities that bring them joy, let us know so we can incorporate those.
Please speak to Helen about what we can do to make your child’s experience a positive one.

NOTE: We take seriously, the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare of all who participate in our activities. We are committed to the implementation of the NSW Child Safe Standards.
All leaders in the children's program are Christian, have completed Safe Ministry training, hold a valid WWCC and are approved by our Senior Minister. Our junior leaders are not counted as adults in our ratios. They have completed the Junior Safe Ministry training and are approved by our Senior Minister.
The Safe Ministry Blueprint details the child safe policies and procedures required in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, including Newport Anglican Church. You can access the PSU's Safe Ministry Blueprint for church members and parents at: Safe Ministry Blueprint
The Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney has established the Professional Standards Unit, which receives and deals with complaints of child abuse or sexual misconduct by members of the clergy and church workers. The Safe Ministry Board formulates and monitors policy and practice, and advises on child protection and safe ministry for the Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney. If you wish to speak to someone about abuse that has happened in a church or by someone involved in an Anglican church please contact the Anglican Abuse Report Line by phone on 1800 774 945 or via email at
For any further information about Child Safe Ministry at Newport Anglican Church, you can contact Helen, our Children's Worker, by email at